List pixel values in a two-dimensional NDF


This application lists pixel values within a region of a two-dimensional NDF . The listing may be displayed on the screen and logged in a text file (see Parameter LOGFILE). The region to be listed can be specified either by giving its centre and size or its corners, or by giving an ‘ARD Description’ for the region (see Parameter MODE). The top-right pixel value is also written to an output parameter (VALUE). The listing may be produced in several different formats (see Parameter FORMAT), and the format of each individual displayed data value can be controlled using Parameter STYLE.


look ndf centre [size] [logfile] [format] [comp] [mode]
arddesc=? ardfile=? lbound=? ubound=? centre=?



If TRUE, the user is prompted for further regions to list until a FALSE value is obtained. [FALSE]
An ‘ARD Description’  for the parts of the image to be listed. Multiple lines can be supplied by ending each line with a hyphen, in which case further prompts for ARDDESC are made until a value is supplied which does not end with a hyphen. All the supplied values are then concatenated together (after removal of the trailing hyphens). ARCDESC is only acessed if MODE is "ARD". Positions in the ARD description are assumed to be in the current co-ordinate Frame  of the NDF unless there are COFRAME or WCS statements which indicate a different system. See “Notes” below.
The name of an existing text file containing an ‘ARD Description’ for the parts of the image to be listed. ARDFILE is only accessed if MODE is "ARDFile". Positions in the ARD description are assumed to be in pixel co-ordinates unless there are COFRAME or WCS statements that indicate a different system. See “Notes” below.
The co-ordinates of the data pixel at the centre of the area to be displayed, in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF (supplying a colon ":" will display details of the current co-ordinate Frame). The position should be supplied as a list of formatted axis values separated by spaces or commas. See also Parameter USEAXIS. Only acessed if MODE is "Centre".
The NDF array component to be displayed. It may be "Data", "Quality", "Variance", or "Error" (where "Error" is an alternative to "Variance" and causes the square root of the variance values to be displayed). If "Quality" is specified, then the quality values are treated as numerical values (in the range 0 to 255). ["Data"]
Specifies the format for the listing from the following options.
  • "strips" –- The area being displayed is divided up into vertical strips of limited width. Each strip is displayed in turn, with y pixel index at the left of each row, and x pixel index at the top of each column. The highest row is listed first in each strip. This format is intended for human readers –- the others are primarily intended for being read by other software.

  • "clist" –- Each row of textual output consists of an x pixel index, followed by a y pixel index, followed by the pixel data value. No headers or blank lines are included. The pixels are listed in ‘Fortran order’–-the lower-left pixel first, and the upper-right pixel last.

  • "cglist" –- Like "clist" except that bad pixel are omitted from the list.

  • "vlist" –- Each row of textual output consists of just the pixel data value. No headers or blank lines are included. The pixels are listed in ‘Fortran order’–-the lower-left pixel first, and the upper-right pixel last.

  • "wlist" –- Each row of textual output consists of the WCS co-ordinate values, followed by the pixel data value. No headers or blank lines are included. The pixels are listed in ‘Fortran order’–-the lower-left pixel first, and the upper-right pixel last.

  • "wglist" –- Like "wlist" except that bad pixel are omitted from the list.

  • "region" –- The pixel data values are listed as a two-dimensional region. Each row of textual output contains a whole row of data values. The textual output may be truncated if it is too wide. The lowest row is listed first.

In all cases, adjacent values are separated by spaces, and bad pixel values are represented by the string "BAD". ["strips"]

The co-ordinates of the data pixel at the bottom-left of the area to be displayed, in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF (supplying a colon ":" will display details of the current co-ordinate Frame). The position should be supplied as a list of formatted axis values separated by spaces or commas. See also Parameter USEAXIS. A null (!) value causes the bottom-left corner of the supplied NDF to be used. LBOUND is only accessed if MODE is "Bounds".
The name of the text file in which the textual output may be stored. See MAXLEN. A null string (!) means that no file is created. [!]
The maximum number of characters in a line of textual output. The line is truncated after the last complete value if it would extend beyond this value. [80]
Indicates how the region to be listed will be specified:
  • "All" –- The entire NDF is used.

  • "Centre" –- The centre and size of the region are specified using Parameters CENTRE and SIZE.

  • "Bounds" –- The bounds of the region are specified using Parameters LBOUND and UBOUND.

  • "ARDFile" –- The region is given by an ‘ARD Description’ supplied within a text file specified using Parameter ARDFILE. Pixels outside the ARD region are represented by the string "OUT".

  • "ARD" –- The region is given using an ARD description supplied directly using Parameter ARDDESC. Pixels outside the ARD region are represented by the string "OUT".


NDF = NDF (Read)
The input NDF structure containing the data to be displayed.
SIZE( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
The dimensions of the rectangular area to be displayed, in pixels. If a single value is given, it is used for both axes. The area is centred on the position specified by Parameter CENTRE. It is only accessed if MODE is "Centre". [7]
A group of attribute settings describing the format to use for individual data values.

A comma-separated list of strings should be given in which each string is either an attribute setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner. Attribute settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for the same attribute.

Each individual attribute setting should be of the form:

<name >= <value >

where <name > is the name of a plotting attribute, and <value > is the value to assign to the attribute. Default values will be used for any unspecified attributes. All attributes will be defaulted if a null value (!)–-the initial default–-is supplied. To apply changes of style to only the current invocation, begin these attributes with a plus sign. A mixture of persistent and temporary style changes is achieved by listing all the persistent attributes followed by a plus sign then the list of temporary attributes.

See Section E for a description of the available attributes. Any unrecognised attributes are ignored (no error is reported).

Data values are formatted using attributes Format(1) and Digits(1). [current value]

The co-ordinates of the data pixel at the top-right corner of the area to be displayed, in the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF (supplying a colon ":" will display details of the current co-ordinate Frame). The position should be supplied as a list of formatted axis values separated by spaces or commas. See also Parameter USEAXIS. A null (!) value causes the top-right corner of the supplied NDF to be used. Only acessed if MODE is "Bounds".
USEAXIS is only accessed if the current co-ordinate Frame of the NDF has more than two axes. A group of two strings should be supplied specifying the two axes which are to be used when supplying positions for Parameters CENTRE, LBOUND, and UBOUND. Each axis can be specified using one of the following options.
  • Its integer index within the current Frame  of the input NDF (in the range 1 to the number of axes in the current Frame).

  • Its Symbol  string such as "RA" or "VRAD".

  • A generic option where "SPEC" requests the spectral axis, "TIME" selects the time axis, "SKYLON" and "SKYLAT" picks the sky longitude and latitude axes respectively. Only those axis domains present are available as options.

A list of acceptable values is displayed if you supply an illegal value. If a null (!) value is supplied, the axes with the same indices as the two used pixel axes within the NDF are selected. [!]

Results Parameters

The data value at the top-right pixel in the displayed rectangle.


look ngc6872 "1:27:23 -22:41:12" logfile=log
Lists a 7×7 block of pixel values centred on RA/DEC 1:27:23, 22:41:12 (this assumes that the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF is an RA/DEC Frame). The listing is written to the text file log.
look m57 mode=bo lbound="18 20" ubound="203 241"
Lists the pixel values in an NDF called m57, within a rectangular region from pixel (18,20) to (203,241) (this assumes that the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF is pixel co-ordinates). The listing is displayed on the screen only.
look ngc6872 "10 11" 1
Stores the value of pixel (10, 11) in output Parameter VALUE, but does not store it in a log file. This assumes that the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF is pixel co-ordinates.
look ngc6872 mode=ard arddesc="circle(1:27:23,-22:41:12,0:0:10)"
Lists the pixel values within a circle of radius 10 ard-seconds, centred on RA=1:27:23 DEC=22:41:12. This assumes that the current co-ordinate Frame in the NDF is an RA/DEC Frame.
look ngc6872 mode=ardfile ardfile=central.ard
Lists the pixel values specified by the ARD description stored in the text file central.ard.


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