
Builds a velocity map from a three-dimensional IFU NDF from the intensity-weighted spectral co-ordinates


This shell script processes a three-dimensional IFU NDF to form a velocity map.

If you request zooming the script first presents you with a white-light image of the cube. You can then select the lower and upper spatial limits to plot using the cursor. You can instead supply an NDF section with the filename to define both spatial and spectral limits to analyse, and from which to create the output velocity map. You may average spectra in the chosen region by specifying compression factors in the spatial domain.

The script then derives the intensity weighted co-ordinate of each spatially averaged spectrum, and converts the data units into a velocity. You may view this image drawn with a key (option -d), and overlay a contour plot of the white-light image (option -c).


velmoment [-b string] [-c number] [-ci index] [-i filename] [-o filename]

          [-p] [-r number] [-s system] [-z/+z]

Command-line Arguments


Implementation Status:

This script invokes a collection of A-tasks from the Kappa package.