Credit and License


This document describes the credit and licensing information for ORAC-DR.


ORAC-DR was developed at the Joint Astronomy Centre by Frossie Economou and Tim Jenness in collaboration with the UK Astronomy Technology Centre as part of the ORAC project. Other members of the ORAC-DR team have subsequently contributed to ORAC-DR’s infrastructure.

Other members of the ORAC team provided invaluable scientific and technical input to ORAC-DR, in particular Alan Bridger (UKATC), Gillian Wright (UKATC) and Andy Adamson (JAC).

Software support for SCUBA was added by Tim Jenness. Malcolm Currie provided the software for UFTI, IRCAM, and Michelle imaging. Support for CGS4 and Michelle spectroscopy was added by Paul Hirst, Frossie Economou, Tim Jenness, Malcolm Currie, and Brad Cavanagh. The ORAC-DR GUI was added by Alasdair Allan (Starlink). IRIS-2 support was added by Brad Cavanagh in conjunction with Stuart Ryder (AAT). ISAAC and INGRID support was added by Malcolm Currie. UIST IFU support was added by Stephen Todd.

The developers are also grateful to numerous members of UKIRT and JCMT staff for their ideas and feedback.

Copyright and License

ORAC-DR is copyright (C) 1998-2003 PPARC (the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council). It is distributed by Starlink under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

If you have used ORAC-DR for your data reduction please acknowledge it in your publications. It costs you nothing and gives us a warm fuzzy feeling.

Recommended publications for ORAC-DR itself are:

The Future of Data Reduction at UKIRT, Economou, F.; Bridger, A.; Wright, G. S.; Rees, N. P. and Jenness, T., 1998, ASP Conf. Ser., 145, 196


The ORAC-DR data reduction pipeline Cavanagh, B.; Jenness, T.; Economou, F. & Currie, M. J., 2008, Astron. Nach., 329, 295

For the SCUBA pipeline please use: The SCUBA Data Reduction Pipeline: ORAC-DR at the JCMT, Jenness, Tim & Economou, Frossie, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 172, 171

For SCUBA-2: Design of the SCUBA-2 Quick Look Display and Data Reduction Pipeline, Gibb, A. G.; Scott, D.; Jenness, T.; Economou, F.; Kelly, B. D. & Holland, W. S., 2005, ASP Conf. Ser., 347, 585

ORAC-DR is registered with the Astrophyiscs Source Code Library as ascl:1310.001

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