Generate a new copy of a CAT catalogue


Generate a new copy of a CAT catalogue. By default all the columns, parameters and textual information in the input catalogue are copied.

Optionally some or all of the parameters in the input catalogue can be omitted from the output catalogue and new parameters can be added to the output catalogue. Also any textual information associated with the input catalogue can be omitted from the output catalogue.

It is possible to use catcopy to generate a copy of a catalogue in the same format (FITS table or whatever) as the original, but there is little point in doing so; the same result can be achieved using the Unix command ’cp’, which is much quicker. The real usefulness of catcopy is in converting a catalogue to a new format, for example, converting a FITS table to an STL (small text list) format catalogue.




Name of the input catalogue.
Name of the output catalogue.
Flag indicating which parameters are to be copied. The valid responses are: A - all; (default) copy all the parameters, F - filter; omit (that is, filter out) selected parameters, N - none; omit all the parameters.
A comma-separated list of the parameters to filter out (that is, to omit).
Flag indicating whether any new parameters are to be added to the output catalogue. The permitted values are: TRUE - add new parameters, FALSE - (default) do not add new parameters.
Name of the current new parameter.
Data type of the current new parameter. The permitted types are: REAL, DOUBLE, INTEGER, LOGICAL and CHAR.
Size of the current new parameter if it is of type CHAR.
Value of the current new parameter.
Units of the current new parameter.
Comments describing the current new parameter.
Flag indicating the textual header information to be copied. The valid responses are: A - all; the output catalogue will contain a complete copy of the header information for the input catalogue, duplicated as comments, C - (default) copy only the comments from the input catalogue. In the case of a FITS table the COMMENTS and HISTORY keywords will be copied. N - none; no textual header information is copied.
Operate in quiet mode where warnings are suppressed. The permitted values are: TRUE - quiet mode, FALSE - verbose mode.


The input and output catalogues will be prompted for and then copying proceeds. Any parameters and comments in the input catalogue will be copied.
catcopy input-catalogue output-catalogue
Here the input and output catalogues have been specified on the command line. Copying proceeds and any parameters and comments in the input catalogue will be copied.
catcopy copypar=none
The input and output catalogues will be prompted for and then copying proceeds. None of the parameters in the input catalogue will be written to the output catalogue.
catcopy copypar=filter
The input catalogue, output catalogue and a list of parameters will be prompted for. Copying then proceeds. All the parameters specified in the list will not be written to the output catalogue.
catcopy copypar=filter pfilter=’FSTATION,PLATESCA,TELFOCUS
The input and output catalogues will be prompted for and then copying proceeds. The parameters given in the list (FSTATION, PLATESCA and TELFOCUS) will not be written to the output catalogue (that is, they will be ’filtered out’). The items in the list must be separated by commas. When the list is specified on the command line, as here, it must be enclosed in quotes and each quote must be preceded by a backslash character (as shown) to prevent it being interpreted by the Unix shell.
catcopy addpar=true
The input and output catalogues will be prompted for. The details of additional parameters to be added to the output catalogue will then be prompted for. The details which must be supplied for each parameter are: name, data type (and size if of type CHAR), value, units and comments. An arbitrary number of comments can be added. Once all the parameters required have been specified then copying proceeds.
catcopy text=all
The input and output catalogues will be prompted for and then copying proceeds. All the header information in the input catalogue will be duplicated as comments in the output catalogue.
catcopy text=none
The input and output catalogues will be prompted for and then copying proceeds. Any comments in the input catalogue will not be copied.